Tuesday, July 14, 2009

the flats

the forested area between the home and far fields is the area of the ranch that we call the oak flats. they are not really flat, but they aren't the side of a mountain either. this is prime mixed hardwood and conifer forest and one of the few areas where the ground under the trees grows grass is not choked with brush. this type of forest is something rarely seen in the klamath mountains anymore because it requires regular burning to maintain. the doug fir trees dominate the conifer side of things with a few old growth trees still present. the hardwoods are madrone, manzanita, live oak, black oak, white oak and some tanoak. there is a sprinkling of dog woods, big leaf maple and an area of thick red bud which we call red bud alley. eventually as we work the land i hope to return more of the property to this type of tree mixture.

winter flats, post burn

a dog wood in fall color

a coyote on the hunt in the flats

spring red bud in bloom

the piles are ready ....... let er rip!!!

work in progress on a fall night.

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